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Meetings and Events

OFD Summer Webinar: Reflection-Based Classroom Activities

June 9, 2021

OFD Summer Webinar Series

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Test Event for Reminders

June 9, 2021

This event won't actually happen, but you are welcome to log in and see nothing happen.

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"Discover Your GOAL" Adult Learner Open House

June 3, 2021

Registration for the Adult Learner Open House

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"Discover Your GOAL" Adult Learner Open House

April 1, 2021

Registration for the Adult Learner Open House

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Momentum Summit IV

February 22, 2021

Over the past four years, the System has made tremendous gains in implementing a Momentum Approach to student success. The past eight months have tested some of this work and underscored its vital role in achieving our goals for increasing the number of Georgians with college degrees and closing gaps in academic achievement.

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2021 Spring Coreq Academy and GOSS Meeting

February 12, 2021

The “unprecedented” and uncertain nature of the last six months, particularly the sudden shift to remote learning, has forced us to get creative in totally unexpected ways and develop new student success superpowers to guide our students to the finish line—all while holding academic policies and expectations high.

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Motivating Learners - Starting Strong Spring 2021

January 25, 2021

This year the USG is developing a brief professional development program to help faculty support the development of growth mindsets among their students including this introductory course three-week short course.

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Motivating Learners Short Course

November 30, 2020

This year the USG is developing a brief professional development program to help faculty support the development of growth mindsets among their students including and brief introductory course and a two-week short course.

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Test Event for STEM

November 21, 2020

We are testing you.

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Fall 2020 Statistics Pathway Summit

November 18, 2020

In the fall of last year the System initiated a prototype process for a statistics pathway at institutions, which provided an avenue for offering MATH/STAT 1401 Elementary Statistics as an Area A2 math course without prerequisite. We are in the process of reviewing the progress of the Statistics Pathway prototype and are hosting a virtual Statistics Pathway Fall Summit on Wednesday, November 18, from 1:00 to 3:00 pm to reflect on the work and to chart a path forward.

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Initial data on student outcomes for Fall 2019 indicate continued success for Corequisite Learning Support in Georgia, and offer indicators of what works, and what doesn't work, in Learning Support. This online session with Dr. Tristan Denley, Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Chief Academic Officer for the University System of Georgia provides an overview of the long-term trend and most recent data on student outcomes for the Corequisite Learning Support.

Georgia went to scale with learning support for all students in Fall 2018. At the time, there was some concern that as students who were previously served in prerequisite Foundations courses enrolled in collegiate courses with Learning Support, overall success rates would flag.  For the 2018 cohort, this was not the case, with students performing slightly better in terms of success in the gateway course.,

Building community among students in learning support is thought to play an important role in the engagement and success of students and supports their sense of belonging and self-efficacy. Making these connections in a remote setting demands different strategies and approaches to those that faculty have often mastered for their in-person courses.

Featuring Sonia Ford-Petch, department chair and professor of mathematics at Midland College in Midland, Texas, this conversation will provide an opportunity to learn best practices in  online settings and to share your work and experiences. 

Dr. Ford-Petch has been teaching mathematics face-to-face and online at the collegiate level for over 19 years. Dr. Ford-Petch’s research focuses on best practices in teaching and learning in an online environment with an emphasis on increasing students’ feelings of connectedness.

2020 USG Mindset Summit

April 2020

In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, the 2020 Mindset Summit originally scheduled for April 10 on the campus of Columbus State University will be supported as a virtual event.  More details on this opportunity will be available soon.
