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Campus Plans

Campus Plan Updates for 2014

Complete College Georgia is a statewide effort to increase the number Georgians with a high quality certificate or degree. Under the leadership of Governor Nathan Deal, it has continued to build momentum since its launch in 2011. The University System of Georgia (USG) and the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) have advanced highimpact, research-driven strategies aligned with the primary goal of the initiative: to increase student access to, progression through, and successful graduation from institutions of higher education.

Armstrong State University

Institutional Mission and Student Body Profile Armstrong’s strategic plan, Charting Excellence Together, reaffirms our commitment as a teaching-first university where student-focused and transformative education is valued, with the primary goal of fostering student success. The strategic plan serves as the lens through which faculty members, staff, administrators, and students view their roles, responsibilities, interactions and performance.


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