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Study Tables (Albany State University-2024)

Strategy/Project Name: 
Study Tables
Momentum Area: 
Strategy/Project Description: 

Study table is an opportunity for students to have access to our faculty for assistance in various academic subjects. This is designed to help students clarify subject questions and enhance their understanding of course materials. This is offered to students 3 nights a week from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. During this time learning may be provided to students in a group or one on one sessions. Different learning strategies are introduced to help aid students in the learning process.

In alignment with our ASPIRE efforts, Study Table is strongly suggested for all first-time freshmen taking ENGL 1101, 1102, MATH 1111, and MATH 1001 and is made mandatory in University College’s freshmen learning communities.  This is a new addition to the study tables programming.

Activity Status: 
Evaluation/Assessment plan: 

The key performance indicators used to assess the success of the Study Table include student usage of the services. There has been an increase in student usage from 2022 through 2024 indicated below.

  Fall 2022 F 2023 F 2024
(as of October)
Total Support Use 2766 5175 1789
Study Tables 976 2476 858
Math Center (East) 44 204 45
Math Center (West) 1088 1045 173
Writing Center (East) 550 707 365
Writing Center (West) 108 716 348
Peer Tutors 0 25 0
Progress and Adjustments: 

Moving forward, we will revisit the KPIs to include students' midterm and final grades utilizing Study table. This approach would demonstrate the direct impact of the services provided to students. Additionally, we will focus the Key Performance Indicators specifically on students who actively use these services.  We will also report on any changes to ENGL and MATH grades resulting from the mandatory nature of study tables in those classes.

Plan for the Year Ahead: 

Each Semester to increase awareness of our programs and services, our department initiated a “Walk it Out Wednesday” where we walk the campus to inform students about our services. Moving forward we will continue to print flyers, use stand up banners, send email and texts messaging through EAB program to bring awareness of our program. In addition, we have added various workshop in Math and English to help aid students in their learning. The workshops are offered at different time and on both campuses. The workshop are entitled AI in the classroom, How to add Fractions, Time Management and starting strong to name a few.

Challenges and Support: 

A challenge that may affect our ability to do this activity is the pool of Faculty Tutors. While every effort is made to increase the awareness of the program and services, human capital is an issue. Our services may not be able to accommodate the large influx of students in terms of human capital and instructional space.

We are able to provide this service due to the funding of a grant. When the grant is exhausted, we will need to find additional resources.

Contact email: 
Primary Contact: 
Natalie Knox, Director of Academic Support Services