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Summer Bridge Program, aka Roadrunner Scholars (Dalton State College-2024)

The Roadrunner Experience is a residential and immersive summer bridge program designed for students requiring learning support math and English.  In this six-week program, students were enrolled in both learning support math and English as well as their credit course counterparts.  Roadrunner Scholars were provided tutoring assistance, peer education, development opportunities, as well as social activities.  All aspects of the program were provided at no cost through scholarships offered by our Dalton State Foundation.  Students were invited to apply for the program based on their high sch

Quality Enhancement Plan, 2023-2028 (Dalton State College-2024)

The Quality Enhancement Plan seeks continuous improvement relative to two Student Learning Outcomes:

  1. Students will demonstrate knowledge and skills that develop their academic perseverance.
  2. Students will describe an enhanced sense of belonging within the College.

Interventions are planned and implemented in Perspectives (our first-year seminar), Advising, Campus Resources, and Engagement (PACE).

Freshmen Learning Communities (University College) (Albany State University-2024)

The Learning Communities (LCs) in which two or more courses are linked thematically with collaborative instruction and co-curricular activities. These courses, and their faculty, focus on core areas as well as areas of academic performance, retention, student mindset, and degree progression. LCs at ASU will provide an easier platform of transition to ASU students while providing a supportive network of peers, mentors, professors, success services, and more.

Lead and Peer Tutors (Albany State University-2024)

Lead tutors, professionals within the community, play a crucial role in the Writing and Math Centers, providing expert assistance to students. Peer Tutors, currently enrolled students who have excelled in their subjects with an A or B+, are well-equipped to confidently assist students in various subject areas. The goal of Lead and Peer Tutors is to help build confidence with the student learners and equip them with learning strategies that will enable them to complete a class assignment, test, mid or final exams.

Study Tables (Albany State University-2024)

Study table is an opportunity for students to have access to our faculty for assistance in various academic subjects. This is designed to help students clarify subject questions and enhance their understanding of course materials. This is offered to students 3 nights a week from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. During this time learning may be provided to students in a group or one on one sessions. Different learning strategies are introduced to help aid students in the learning process.

Increase student success rates in high DFW gateway courses (Atlanta Metropolitan State College-2023)

Gateway courses have the lowest pass rates. This is particularly difficult for new freshman because it stifles their momentum and motivation to successfully past their first two semester classes and avoid academic warning and/or probation, which also impacts their ability to meet financial aid academic requirements.

Tutor on-Demand and Study Table (Albany State University-2023)

Tutoring On-Demand (TOD) and Study Table services are available to students to aid in increasing academic support either in person or online.  The modality for this instruction may include one-on-one or group sessions in person or the integration of virtual tutoring via TOD.  These different modalities provide student access to academic resources that will help to increase their ability to engage in classroom learning and retain the content of the subject matter. 

Freshman Residence Hall Tutoring (Albany State University-2023)

The Freshman Residence Hall Tutoring activity aims to expand and strengthen academic and student services and resources while improving Freshman student persistence and success by way of implementing embedded in-hall residence learning and engagement opportunities.  The purpose of in-hall tutoring is to more efficiently respond to the needs of ASU’s Freshman student body by housing, in Freshman residence halls, crucial academic and student support services.  ASU currently provides academic support services for students that include Math and Writing Centers, tutoring services, and student su


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