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High Impact Practices

Promoting First Year student success through virtual academic communities-Knights Academy, Knights Journey, and Knights of Success (Middle Georgia State University-2024)

MGA’s FYE initiative encompasses three elements – academic success,, character development, and community engagement.

The Knights Academy (KA) is an online academic community focused on increasing first year student academic success by engaging the student in a variety of learning activities. These activities seek to assist students develop critical student success skills by participating in quests and engaging with other students through discussion posts.  Topics covered in the Knights Academy include the following: 

Providing student success content through Area I (institutional Priority) (Middle Georgia State University-2024)

Designing and integrating academic success content into all sections of Area I (formerly, Area B) courses, regardless of session length or modality. Because this activity has been brought to completion, the project will now focus on cohesive guidance on instructional practices shared across all faculty teaching Area I courses. This guidance aligns with evidence-based practices for creating welcoming, encouraging, and navigable courses.

QEP: It’s About Engagement (Kennesaw State University-2024)

Success is more about what you do while you are in college and less about which college you attend. A recent study showed that the most successful students are those who participate in undergraduate experiences, such as internships, undergraduate research, and service-learning. These engaged learning opportunities allow students to take what they learn in the classroom and apply it to the real world. Through internships, undergraduate research, and service-learning, students also gain unparalleled opportunities to hone their critical thinking and communication skills.

New Student Initiatives (Kennesaw State University-2024)

To combat lower graduation rates, KSU will focus on four initiatives aimed at supporting new students.

  1. The President’s Focused Learner Program

The President’s Focused Learner Program (PFL) is a KSU initiative seeking to assist incoming students at risk of “Murky Middle” GPAs with their ability to navigate the academic and personal well-being factors often necessary for a student’s academic success. The PFL Program spans all majors at KSU.

Stepping Blocks Integration into Freshman Orientation Courses (Georgia State University-2024)

In freshman orientation classes each 1st-year student will be required to complete an assignment designed to encourage the use of stepping blocks data.  Based on an academic major of interest, students will research common jobs associated with the major as well as the job market and the salaries associated with these positions.


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