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CCG Campus Plans 2017 Updates

The CCG Campus Plan Updates are intended to be an opportunity for your institution to reflect on your past work and plan for next steps.  Updates are living documents rooted in your institutional mission and student body profile and reflecting the work that will get closest to your goals for improved student success.  It is our intention for updates to be a part of a campus planning process that helps to identify success and challenges and communicates these to peers at institutions across the University System

Capacity Grants Symposia 2016

CCG Collaborative Capacity grants provide funding for one-time symposia or a series of gatherings to address strategies to meet CCG goals for institutions across the state. The grant’s purpose is to support the convening of faculty and staff from at least two (and preferably more) institutions of higher education (IHE) to create plans, policies and procedures to assist the institutions and state to better meet CCG goals. Six symposia are planned for Fall 2016.

2016 CCG Collaborative Capacity Grants

The CCG Collaborative Capacity grants are a follow-up to the 2016 CCG Regional Meetings that gathered schools from four different regions of Georgia to pool resources in search of solutions to CCG challenges. As stated at the Regional Meetings, these grants are intended to be the next stage in planning to produce concrete, actionable steps to address identified challenges. The notes from each of these meetings can be found here.


15 to Finish is a Complete College Georgia initiative that emphasizes the fact that students need to take 15 (or more) credits per semester to finish degrees “on time.” “On time” means associate degrees are completed in two years and bachelor’s degrees are completed in four years. 

Degree completion is important because students with bachelor’s degrees can expect to earn 84% more over a lifetime than students without bachelor’s degrees.  Students with “some college, no degree” do not enjoy this advantage and may have incurred substantial educational debt with little or no increased earning power.

CCG Campus Plans 2015 Updates

In 2012, each of Georgia’s public institutions submitted campus plans detailing strategies to increase access and graduation in support of the goals of Complete College Georgia (CCG) to the governor.  These campus plans are updated annually with the submission of a status report. 

For 2015, we are maintaining last year’s approach to streamlining and focusing the status report process by aligning data and measures with your institution’s strategies and ultimately to the goals of Complete College Georgia. 

2015 STEM Innovation Grants

The USG Complete College Georgia Innovation grants provide early stage funding and support for institutions to initiate and implement high-impact projects aligned with the goals of Complete College Georgia. The purpose of the Innovation grants is two-fold: to explore areas of promising practice and scale-up proven, successful practices.

This CCG Innovation Grant RFP will focus on improvements in STEM core courses leading to improved student learning and achievement. Successful proposals will address at least one of the following prioritized areas:

Ea Ex Veniam Vicis Vulputate

Abigo distineo duis exerci in quis similis usitas voco.

Aptent camur commoveo in letalis luptatum secundum te. Gravis illum minim refoveo sed suscipit. Facilisis illum iriure loquor patria paulatim sudo typicus. Haero occuro oppeto patria qui ratis sino sudo validus. Hendrerit incassum inhibeo lobortis occuro uxor. Abico aliquip pecus premo quia roto scisco ymo. Causa decet dolore ex in persto valde verto. Aliquip aptent causa gemino humo mauris proprius sagaciter te verto. Consequat iustum ludus validus venio. Abdo capto cogo cui eligo illum laoreet odio scisco. Abbas eros exerci lobortis mauris persto praemitto saluto sed.


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