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Career/Major Exploration

Program Maps and Pressure Testing (Gordon State College-2023)

Retention and graduation rates have increased nationally due to the implementation and design of well-crafted program maps with an emphasis on students taking fuller schedules categorized by the 15-to-finish initiative. Gordon State College made early efforts to create program maps with co-curricular milestones using the theme of Gordon’s Highlander EDGE. After careful review we noticed that some of the program maps had not been pressure tested and we have now determined a plan to carefully review, and pressure test our program maps annually.

Faculty Mentor Program (Gordon State College-2023)

The Faculty Mentor Program at Gordon State College pairs first-year students (students under 30 credit hours) with faculty in the student’s major area/area of focus. Faculty mentors act as part of the student’s success team. They provide professional and career guidance, encouragement, and help connect students with campus resources. All tenure-track faculty members serve as faculty members. Faculty mentors act to provide services and support that complement the services offered by GSC’s professional academic advisors.

Columbus State University-[node:field-date:custom:Y]--Program Maps, -Career/Major Exploration, -15-to-Finish

In Fall 2014, department chairs developed program maps for each major. These maps were then published in the online catalog and shared with students in an effort to help them stay on track toward degree completion and to increase their understanding of program requirements and course sequence. In addition, the Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) developed interest-area maps (metamajor maps) for undecided students.


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