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Georgia Highlands College

Undecided Student Intervention (Georgia Highlands College-2024)

A team formed between Advising, Orientation, and Career Services that will continue to work with the undecided student population. We created a plan to intervene early with undecided students to connect them with resources to help them make a purposeful choice. The plan begins at orientation with a breakout session designed to get undecided students thinking about making a purposeful choice and continues once the semester begins with strategic talking points during advising appointments.

Faculty Development (Georgia Highlands College-2024)

CETL facilitated and will continue to facilitate faculty book talks, workshops, and faculty learning communities to promote growth mindset and purpose. · CETL facilitated and will continue to facilitate the Relentless Welcome (Felton, 2023). · Workshops for faculty focused on teaching success that are formatted to be conducted without technology (Talking Teaching, Expert Panels) · HIP attribute

Georgia Highlands College 2024

The mission of Georgia Highlands College, a state college of the University System of Georgia, is to provide access to excellent educational opportunities for the intellectual, cultural, and physical development of a diverse population through pre-baccalaureate associate degree transfer programs, career associate degree programs, and targeted baccalaureate degree programs that meet the economic development needs of the region. The college mission influences our work by allowing us to focus on specific programs offered to our students across Northwest Georgia.


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