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Signature Experiences (University of North Georgia-2023)

Strategy/Project Name: 
Signature Experiences
Momentum Area: 
Change Management
Strategy/Project Description: 

Integration of High Impact Practices and Career Readiness into the curricula and student experiences that create a “Signature” experience for all students.

Activity Status: 
Evaluation/Assessment plan: 


  1. Embed HiP into Core IMPACTS
  2. Embed HiP into each academic major.
  3. Each student has a minimum of two HiP experiences by graduation.

Baseline measure (for each KPI):

Fall 2022

• 690 courses with HiP attribute coded in fall 2022

• 258 courses at the 1-2000 level serving 2530 students

• 330 courses at the 3-4000 level serving 2896 students

Current/most recent data (for each KPI)

In AY 2022-2023 (not including summer), UNG offered 1030 courses with embedded HiPs (Capstone, Service Learning, Study Abroad/Away, Internship, Undergraduate Research, work-based learning) with 3565 students enrolled in those courses.

Goal or targets (for each KPI): specific targets have not been set.

Time period/duration: ongoing building capacity and scaling the integration of HiPs into both the core and major for all undergraduate programs.

Progress and Adjustments: 

The integration of HiPs is a critical component of the institution’s strategic planning for Academic Affairs and the creation of a UNG Signature Experience. The institution does not have all the components it needs in place to manage scaling or to fully monitor progress towards ensuring every UNG student has a Signature Experience with at least two HiPs embedded in their academic program.

Plan for the Year Ahead: 

Continue capturing (accurately) courses employing a high-impact practice in Banner; gain final approval of HIP definitions through curriculum approval process; creation and approval of clear definitions for each HiP that faculty can use at the course level.

Challenges and Support: 

Sorting out the coding to accurately capture course level data and measuring progress has taken longer than expected. Resources and professional development needs to support faculty integration of HiPs into multiple levels of the undergraduate program make implementation piecemeal

Primary Contact: 
Dr. Steven Lloyd, Vice Provost