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Faculty Engagement

Undergraduate Student Research Initiative (South Georgia State College-2023)

Since the initial implementation the SGSC student research symposium has taken place each semester. The purpose of the symposium is to provide a forum for students to present their research to the SGSC community and interested residents of surrounding communities. Any student may engage in research to be presented, and each presenter has a faculty mentor.

Undergraduate research was initially part of our QEP, but it continues on as an important component of our student engagement. Participation has grown significantly over the years.

Learning Analytics (Kennesaw State University-2023)

KSU aims to take full advantage of data gathered through the LMS, D2L, for a faculty audience. Our online learning unit, Digital Learning Innovations, has revised their mission to support faculty in using the LMS to manage learning in all modalities and using the data to identify problems, diagnose root causes, and take targeted actions during the semester to impact student success within the semester

New Student Initiatives (Kennesaw State University-2023)

To combat lower graduation rates, KSU will focus on four initiatives aimed at supporting new students:

  1. The President’s Focused Learner Program

The President’s Focused Learner Program (PFL) is a KSU initiative seeking to assist incoming students at risk of “Murky Middle” GPAs with their ability to navigate the academic and personal well-being factors often necessary for a student’s academic success. The PFL Program spans all majors at KSU.

Faculty Mentor Program (Gordon State College-2023)

The Faculty Mentor Program at Gordon State College pairs first-year students (students under 30 credit hours) with faculty in the student’s major area/area of focus. Faculty mentors act as part of the student’s success team. They provide professional and career guidance, encouragement, and help connect students with campus resources. All tenure-track faculty members serve as faculty members. Faculty mentors act to provide services and support that complement the services offered by GSC’s professional academic advisors.

Anthony Wise

Wise has been president of Pellissippi State Community College since 2011, overseeing the College’s participation in KnoxAchieves, tnAchieves and now Tennessee Promise. He welcomed President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and Dr. Jill Biden to campus in January 2015 for the unveiling of America’s College Promise. Wise’s tenure has been marked by his devotion to students, and for good reason. From 2007 to 2011, he served as vice president of the College’s Learning Division, after three years as the department head of Liberal Arts and nine teaching history.

Leonard Bass

Dr. Leonard Bass is a seasoned faculty and senior administrator with 20 years of experience in higher education.  He has served in various sectors of post-secondary education and in a variety of positions.  Since 2012, he has been serving as the Dean of the Learning Support division on the East and Winter Park Campuses of Valencia College in Orlando, Florida.  In his role, he is responsible for the development of innovative academic support programming and strategic planning efforts aimed at ensuring student learning.  His division is comprised of the Library, Tutoring and Testing, Learning Communities, Supplemental Learning, Service Learning, and all Student Life Skills courses.  

Tim Hall

Timothy L. Hall became the 12th president of Mercy College in May 2014. One of his most important priorities has been to improve the success of Mercy students.  In his first three and a half years, freshmen retention improved by nearly ten percent and graduation rates increased by more than twenty percent.


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