CATS 1101 Update (East Georgia State College-2023)
Redesign content and format to improve transition experience for students and increase student success and retention
Redesign content and format to improve transition experience for students and increase student success and retention
CSU plans to promote High Impact Practices by making them a structural part of every four-year program. The goal is for each student to have at least three HIPs before graduating with a four-year degree.
Develop and strengthen strategies that address institutional performance gaps. Strategies to consider include: the creation of 1st Gen/Pell Eligible student transition support; summer bridge programs that support traditionally underserved or underrepresented populations, with the goal of reducing institutional performance gaps.
Launch of the ENDEAVOR framework of student growth and development.
A first-year experience course, using high impact practices
Dr. Nathan Klingbeil is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Dean of the College of Engineering and Computer Science at Wright State University (Dayton, OH). He received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University in 1998. Prior to joining the Wright State faculty, he worked as a Materials Research Engineer at the Air Force Research Laboratory, Materials and Manufacturing Directorate. Dr.