Facilitating Online Discussions in Both Synchronous and Asynchronous Environments
Are you tired of teaching into the online void or struggling to get students interacting in discussions online? Have students expressed to you that they consider discussions “busy work” or do the bare minimum without engaging or developing a sense of community? Designing effective online discussions can be challenging and just at the moment we may not have a lot of time to dedicate to thorough design. This online webinar will explore best practices in designing asynchronous and synchronous class discussions in the online environment. Participants will receive step-by-step instructions for a low-tech simple yet effective model for creating engaging asynchronous discussions, examine how to transition a variety of engaging in-person classroom discussion techniques to the synchronous online environment, take away example engaging discussion prompts, and have the opportunity for active personal reflection on past success with creating engaging online discussions.
Jim Berger, Georgia College
Marina Smitherman, Dalton State College
July 15th, 2020 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM