1 Freshman Academic Mindset at Research Universities for 2022

This report provides summary information for Research Universities. Included below are summary statistics for most of the survey elements for which composites are constructed (including both the composite and the underlying elements that construct it). In most instances, Research Universities and System Total data is provided for comparison. There are also visual comparisons between the early and late Fall administrations of the survey to offer a window into how students’ mindset changes over time (and how it sometimes doesn’t), along with comparisons between majority and Black and Hispanic students and by gender.

It is noteworthy that the available dataset provides a more information that is included in this report, and institutions are welcome to use their deidentified data to investigate further. In the analysis below, for institutions where there are insufficient data for analysis, some of the tables or charts may be empty/blank. A codebook providing details on the survey items and composites is available here.

2 About the Survey

The USG Getting to Know Our Students Survey has been administered to incoming freshmen across the University System of Georgia since 2017. Developed in collaboration with Motivate Lab at the University of Virginia, the survey asks a host of questions designed to assess students’ motivations and attitudes about learning to provide a snapshot at the beginning of their post-secondary journey. The survey is administered twice in the fall semester, once in the first three weeks of classes and again in the final three weeks. Student responses are linked to academic outcomes and administrative data to allow an understanding of how Academic Mindsets and their changes over time are related to student success. The elements of the survey are available here.

3 Descriptive Statistics for Research Universities

3.1 Survey Completers

Total Survey Count Early Fall Administration Median Time Spent T1 Late Fall Administration Median Time Spent T2 Students Taking Both Surveys
2121 1607 14.06667 mins 751 13 mins 237

3.2 Race and Ethnicity

Race n percent
Alaskan Native or American Indian 4 0.2%
Asian 63 3.8%
Black or African American 374 22.6%
Hispanic or Latino 209 12.6%
Unknown 17 1.0%
White 986 59.6%
Total 1653 100.0%

3.3 Gender

3.3.1 Research Universities

Gender n percent
Female 1126 64.1%
Male 632 35.9%

3.3.2 System Total

Gender n percent
Female 4461 62.7%
Male 2656 37.3%

3.4 Age

3.4.1 Research Universities

Average median mode min max
18.34 18 18 17 59

3.4.2 System Total

Average median mode min max
18.44 18 18 17 63

3.5 Student Caregivers

3.5.1 Caring for Children

Are you the primary caregiver, guardian, or parent for a child under the age of 18?
Sector System
29 204

3.5.2 Number of Children

3.5.3 Research Universities

If you have children who live with you, please indicate how many.
Number of Children N
1 49
2 38
3 5
4 2
5 or more 4 System Total

If you have children who live with you, please indicate how many.
Number of Children N
1 399
2 314
3 69
4 15
5 or more 31

3.5.4 Caring for Adults

Are you the primary caregiver or guardian for an adult needing care?
Sector System
11 74

3.6 Student Percieved Economic Status

For this item, the Survey asks students: “Think of this scale as representing where people stand in the United States. At 10 are the people who are the best off – those who have the most money, the most education, and the most respected jobs. At 1 are the people who are worst off – who have the least money, least education, and the least respected jobs or no job. The higher up you are on this scale, the closer you are to the people at the very top; the lower you are, the closer you are to the people at the very bottom. Where would you place yourself on this scale?

Early and Late Fall responses are combined for the summary below.

3.6.1 Research Universities

Student Perceived Economic Status
Student_rating n percent
1 2 0.7%
2 1 0.4%
3 6 2.2%
4 15 5.4%
5 72 26.1%
6 51 18.5%
7 72 26.1%
8 47 17.0%
9 8 2.9%
10 2 0.7%

3.6.2 System Total

Student Perceived Economic Status
Student_rating n percent
1 8 0.4%
2 35 1.9%
3 101 5.4%
4 185 10.0%
5 496 26.7%
6 380 20.5%
7 374 20.1%
8 201 10.8%
9 38 2.0%
10 40 2.2%

4 Summary of Academic Mindset Items

The Getting to Know Our Students Survey asks students to indicate the extent to which they agree of disagree with a series of statements about their thoughts about their academic work and faculty. These elements combine to create composite measures of different Academic Mindsets. The three primary Academic Mindsets that are the focus of this survey are Growth (or Theory of Intelligence), Purpose and Value, and Sense of Belonging. These three are highlighted because of their importance to student success and persistence and because they are understood to be malleable.

Individuals often hold different mindsets depending on the subject at hand. For the USG Getting to Know Our Students Survey, students were asked about basic Mindset constructs across the four most common subject areas in the first year: Math, Science, English and History. Students were asked to respond to items on either Math or Science and English or History. The composite results provide us with a glimpse into student mindsets across the curriculum.

4.1 Growth Mindset

Growth Mindset refers to a belief that intelligence is something that can change and be developed over time through the application of effort, strategies, and help-seeking behaviors. A fixed mindset typically refers to a belief that intelligence is a characteristic of the learner (like eye-color or dominant hand) that can’t be changed. For individuals with a more growth mindset, setbacks provide opportunities to reflect and learn. Fixed mindsets may focus on grades or scores as measures of intelligence.

The Growth Mindset construct includes questions about the students’ theory of intelligence or growth mindset - the concept that students feel that they can be successful through the application of effort, strategies, and assistance, and their expectancy or sense of “I can do this.”). Growth Mindset is tied to the idea of learning from setbacks and using feedback to improve.

4.1.1 Growth Mindset Math Growth Mindset Research Universities
Early Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: Math Growth Mindset 929 4.55 1.22 4.67 1 6
You can learn new things, but you can’t really change your basic math intelligence. (Reverse coded) 928 4.38 1.47 5.00 1 6
You have a certain amount of math intelligence and you really can’t do much to change it. (Reverse coded) 923 4.70 1.29 5.00 1 6
Your math intelligence is something about you that you can’t change very much. (Reverse coded) 925 4.56 1.35 5.00 1 6
Late Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: Math Growth Mindset 463 4.35 1.26 4.5 1 6
You can learn new things, but you can’t really change your basic math intelligence. (Reverse coded) 459 4.27 1.45 5.0 1 6
You have a certain amount of math intelligence and you really can’t do much to change it. (Reverse coded) 459 4.43 1.36 5.0 1 6
Your math intelligence is something about you that you can’t change very much. (Reverse coded) 460 4.37 1.35 5.0 1 6 System Totals
Early Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: Math Growth Mindset 3920 4.42 1.29 4.67 1 6
You can learn new things, but you can’t really change your basic math intelligence. (Reverse coded) 3912 4.23 1.55 4.00 1 6
You have a certain amount of math intelligence and you really can’t do much to change it. (Reverse coded) 3897 4.61 1.35 5.00 1 6
Your math intelligence is something about you that you can’t change very much. (Reverse coded) 3900 4.41 1.45 5.00 1 6
Late Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: Math Growth Mindset 1909 4.32 1.32 4.33 1 6
You can learn new things, but you can’t really change your basic math intelligence. (Reverse coded) 1901 4.19 1.53 4.00 1 6
You have a certain amount of math intelligence and you really can’t do much to change it. (Reverse coded) 1896 4.45 1.42 5.00 1 6
Your math intelligence is something about you that you can’t change very much. (Reverse coded) 1895 4.32 1.45 5.00 1 6 Science Growth Mindset Research Universities
Early Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: Science Growth Mindset 371 4.83 1.17 5 1 6
You can learn new things, but you can’t really change your basic science intelligence. (Reverse coded) 371 4.67 1.46 5 1 6
You have a certain amount of science intelligence and you really can’t do much to change it. (Reverse coded) 369 4.97 1.20 5 1 6
Your science intelligence is something about you that you can’t change very much. (Reverse coded) 368 4.85 1.29 5 1 6
Late Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: Science Growth Mindset 142 4.59 1.15 5 1 6
You can learn new things, but you can’t really change your basic science intelligence. (Reverse coded) 141 4.55 1.29 5 1 6
You have a certain amount of science intelligence and you really can’t do much to change it. (Reverse coded) 141 4.62 1.20 5 1 6
Your science intelligence is something about you that you can’t change very much. (Reverse coded) 142 4.61 1.25 5 1 6 System Total
Early Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: Science Growth Mindset 1309 4.63 1.25 5 1 6
You can learn new things, but you can’t really change your basic science intelligence. (Reverse coded) 1307 4.48 1.50 5 1 6
You have a certain amount of science intelligence and you really can’t do much to change it. (Reverse coded) 1300 4.82 1.29 5 1 6
Your science intelligence is something about you that you can’t change very much. (Reverse coded) 1299 4.59 1.41 5 1 6
Late Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: Science Growth Mindset 514 4.59 1.28 5 1 6
You can learn new things, but you can’t really change your basic science intelligence. (Reverse coded) 510 4.49 1.45 5 1 6
You have a certain amount of science intelligence and you really can’t do much to change it. (Reverse coded) 512 4.71 1.32 5 1 6
Your science intelligence is something about you that you can’t change very much. (Reverse coded) 513 4.57 1.41 5 1 6 English Growth Mindset Research Universities
Early Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: English Growth Mindset 988 4.25 1.26 4.33 1 6
You can learn new things, but you can’t really change your basic English intelligence. (Reverse coded) 985 3.81 1.58 4.00 1 6
You have a certain amount of English intelligence and you really can’t do much to change it. (Reverse coded) 983 4.74 1.32 5.00 1 6
Your English intelligence is something about you that you can’t change very much. (Reverse coded) 979 4.22 1.52 5.00 1 6
Late Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: English Growth Mindset 457 4.12 1.29 4 1 6
You can learn new things, but you can’t really change your basic English intelligence. (Reverse coded) 455 3.71 1.62 4 1 6
You have a certain amount of English intelligence and you really can’t do much to change it. (Reverse coded) 455 4.55 1.36 5 1 6
Your English intelligence is something about you that you can’t change very much. (Reverse coded) 452 4.10 1.55 4 1 6 System Total
Early Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: English Growth Mindset 4051 4.16 1.30 4.33 1 6
You can learn new things, but you can’t really change your basic English intelligence. (Reverse coded) 4039 3.75 1.63 4.00 1 6
You have a certain amount of English intelligence and you really can’t do much to change it. (Reverse coded) 4011 4.67 1.37 5.00 1 6
Your English intelligence is something about you that you can’t change very much. (Reverse coded) 4017 4.08 1.57 4.00 1 6
Late Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: English Growth Mindset 1952 4.14 1.33 4.33 1 6
You can learn new things, but you can’t really change your basic English intelligence. (Reverse coded) 1941 3.76 1.64 4.00 1 6
You have a certain amount of English intelligence and you really can’t do much to change it. (Reverse coded) 1932 4.59 1.38 5.00 1 6
Your English intelligence is something about you that you can’t change very much. (Reverse coded) 1939 4.08 1.60 4.00 1 6 History Growth Mindset Research Universities
Early Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: History Growth Mindset 571 4.56 1.22 5 1 6
You can learn new things, but you can’t really change your basic History intelligence. (Reverse coded) 364 4.00 1.46 4 1 6
You have a certain amount of History intelligence and you really can’t do much to change it. (Reverse coded) 364 4.86 1.22 5 1 6
Your History intelligence is something about you that you can’t change very much. (Reverse coded) 363 4.45 1.36 5 1 6
Late Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: History Growth Mindset 232 4.25 1.28 4.33 1 6
You can learn new things, but you can’t really change your basic History intelligence. (Reverse coded) 167 3.71 1.52 4.00 1 6
You have a certain amount of History intelligence and you really can’t do much to change it. (Reverse coded) 164 4.58 1.32 5.00 1 6
Your History intelligence is something about you that you can’t change very much. (Reverse coded) 166 4.23 1.39 4.00 1 6 System Total
Early Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: History Growth Mindset 2111 4.33 1.33 4.5 1 6
You can learn new things, but you can’t really change your basic History intelligence. (Reverse coded) 1408 3.76 1.51 4.0 1 6
You have a certain amount of History intelligence and you really can’t do much to change it. (Reverse coded) 1410 4.68 1.30 5.0 1 6
Your History intelligence is something about you that you can’t change very much. (Reverse coded) 1407 4.12 1.50 4.0 1 6
Late Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: History Growth Mindset 858 4.25 1.38 4.33 1 6
You can learn new things, but you can’t really change your basic History intelligence. (Reverse coded) 565 3.70 1.56 4.00 1 6
You have a certain amount of History intelligence and you really can’t do much to change it. (Reverse coded) 563 4.53 1.39 5.00 1 6
Your History intelligence is something about you that you can’t change very much. (Reverse coded) 565 4.09 1.48 4.00 1 6

4.1.2 Expectancy Math Expectancy Research Universities
Early Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: Math Expectancy 928 4.60 1.29 5 1 6
I believe that I can be successful in math. 928 4.57 1.33 5 1 6
I know I can learn the material in Math. 926 4.63 1.32 5 1 6
Late Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: Math Expectancy 463 4.34 1.37 4 1 6
I believe that I can be successful in math. 463 4.30 1.45 4 1 6
I know I can learn the material in Math. 462 4.37 1.39 4 1 6 System Total
Early Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: Math Expectancy 3918 4.59 1.29 5 1 6
I believe that I can be successful in math. 3910 4.57 1.34 5 1 6
I know I can learn the material in Math. 3916 4.61 1.32 5 1 6
Late Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: Math Expectancy 1911 4.42 1.38 4.5 1 6
I believe that I can be successful in math. 1904 4.39 1.44 5.0 1 6
I know I can learn the material in Math. 1910 4.46 1.40 5.0 1 6 Science Expectancy Research Universities
Early Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: Science Expectancy 370 4.73 1.18 5 1 6
I believe that I can be successful in Science. 370 4.70 1.26 5 1 6
I know I can learn the material in Science. 370 4.76 1.21 5 1 6
Late Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: Science Expectancy 144 4.54 1.20 4.5 1 6
I believe that I can be successful in Science. 144 4.49 1.30 4.5 1 6
I know I can learn the material in Science. 144 4.59 1.19 5.0 1 6 System Total
Early Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: Science Expectancy 1309 4.83 1.16 5 1 6
I believe that I can be successful in Science. 1308 4.81 1.22 5 1 6
I know I can learn the material in Science. 1309 4.85 1.18 5 1 6
Late Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: Science Expectancy 517 4.69 1.22 5 1 6
I believe that I can be successful in Science. 517 4.68 1.30 5 1 6
I know I can learn the material in Science. 517 4.70 1.23 5 1 6 English Expectancy Research Universities
Early Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: English Expectancy 992 5.11 1.07 5.5 1 6
I believe that I can be successful in English. 990 5.04 1.17 5.0 1 6
I know I can learn the material in English. 992 5.18 1.06 6.0 1 6
Late Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: English Expectancy 458 5.02 1.10 5 1 6
I believe that I can be successful in English. 457 4.93 1.20 5 1 6
I know I can learn the material in English. 458 5.10 1.11 6 1 6 System Total
Early Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: English Expectancy 4056 5.12 1.05 5.5 1 6
I believe that I can be successful in English. 4047 5.07 1.13 5.0 1 6
I know I can learn the material in English. 4053 5.17 1.06 6.0 1 6
Late Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: English Expectancy 1954 5.09 1.09 5.5 1 6
I believe that I can be successful in English. 1948 5.03 1.16 5.0 1 6
I know I can learn the material in English. 1953 5.15 1.09 6.0 1 6 History Expectancy Research Universities
Early Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: History Expectancy 364 4.62 1.22 5 1 6
I believe that I can be successful in History. 363 4.54 1.33 5 1 6
I know I can learn the material in History 364 4.70 1.21 5 1 6
Late Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: History Expectancy 168 4.67 1.26 5 1 6
I believe that I can be successful in History. 167 4.62 1.36 5 1 6
I know I can learn the material in History 168 4.72 1.26 5 1 6 System Total
Early Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: History Expectancy 1419 4.73 1.17 5 1 6
I believe that I can be successful in History. 1414 4.68 1.26 5 1 6
I know I can learn the material in History 1418 4.77 1.20 5 1 6
Early Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: History Expectancy 1419 4.73 1.17 5 1 6
I believe that I can be successful in History. 1414 4.68 1.26 5 1 6
I know I can learn the material in History 1418 4.77 1.20 5 1 6

4.2 Purpose

Purpose includes a range of constructs around student motivation that investigate how students attach value to the work that they are engaged in in school. Included in this section are responses to students assessment of the importance, utilty and costs associated with their academic work. Also included in this section are students’ expectations for graduation and income and their reasons for attending college.

Purpose provides a measure of whether the learning context has value to the students. Specifically, whether they find their learning to be relevant, purposeful, interesting, or important. Students may value learning for different reasons - to help them get a job or advance in their careers, to make a difference oin the world or their community, because it aligns with their identity or sense of self, or because the subject matter is interesting to them. Related to purpose and value constructs is the concept of costs - that students have to give up something else in order to focus on their learning.

Also in this area we explore students’ expected outcomes for graduation (in terms of time and eventual salary) and their sense of what they could earn immediately. These combine to provide a sense of the “discounting” students may be making regarding their investment in higher education. While the lifetime return on a college degree is well-established, students’ perceptions of the difference, and their sense of how long they will need to wait to realize that return, provides a useful way of learning more about their willingness to commit to their program of study.

4.2.1 Purpose and Value Math value Research Universities
Early Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: Math Value 929 4.26 1.30 4.25 1 6
I think math is important. 920 4.13 1.55 4.00 1 6
I think math is useful. 923 4.64 1.30 5.00 1 6
What I learn in my math classes will be useful in the future. 926 4.18 1.47 4.00 1 6
What I learn in my math classes will help me in my future career. 922 4.09 1.58 4.00 1 6
Late Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: Math Value 463 3.95 1.38 4 1 6
I think math is important. 459 3.94 1.58 4 1 6
I think math is useful. 459 4.32 1.43 4 1 6
What I learn in my math classes will be useful in the future. 461 3.82 1.55 4 1 6
What I learn in my math classes will help me in my future career. 460 3.71 1.64 4 1 6 System Total
Early Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: Math Value 3919 4.32 1.31 4.5 1 6
I think math is important. 3889 4.20 1.55 4.0 1 6
I think math is useful. 3891 4.66 1.31 5.0 1 6
What I learn in my math classes will be useful in the future. 3898 4.24 1.50 4.0 1 6
What I learn in my math classes will help me in my future career. 3887 4.18 1.58 4.0 1 6
Late Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: Math Value 1911 4.13 1.38 4.25 1 6
I think math is important. 1893 4.04 1.60 4.00 1 6
I think math is useful. 1897 4.46 1.41 5.00 1 6
What I learn in my math classes will be useful in the future. 1895 4.01 1.55 4.00 1 6
What I learn in my math classes will help me in my future career. 1896 4.01 1.63 4.00 1 6 Science value Research Universities
Early Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: Science Value 371 4.67 1.32 5 1 6
I think Science is important. 367 4.59 1.44 5 1 6
I think Science is useful. 367 4.92 1.28 5 1 6
What I learn in my Science classes will be useful in the future. 369 4.60 1.57 5 1 6
What I learn in my Science classes will help me in my future career. 367 4.57 1.65 5 1 6
Late Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: Science Value 144 4.39 1.38 4.62 1 6
I think Science is important. 144 4.34 1.47 5.00 1 6
I think Science is useful. 141 4.72 1.33 5.00 1 6
What I learn in my Science classes will be useful in the future. 142 4.24 1.63 4.50 1 6
What I learn in my Science classes will help me in my future career. 142 4.23 1.66 4.00 1 6 System Total
Early Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: Science Value 1311 4.84 1.22 5.25 1 6
I think Science is important. 1302 4.78 1.35 5.00 1 6
I think Science is useful. 1291 5.08 1.18 6.00 1 6
What I learn in my Science classes will be useful in the future. 1302 4.74 1.46 5.00 1 6
What I learn in my Science classes will help me in my future career. 1297 4.76 1.53 5.00 1 6
Late Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: Science Value 516 4.67 1.32 5 1 6
I think Science is important. 515 4.63 1.47 5 1 6
I think Science is useful. 512 4.91 1.26 5 1 6
What I learn in my Science classes will be useful in the future. 510 4.57 1.55 5 1 6
What I learn in my Science classes will help me in my future career. 510 4.55 1.59 5 1 6 English value Research Universities
Early Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: English Value 990 4.40 1.15 4.5 1 6
I think English is important. 985 4.52 1.41 5.0 1 6
I think English is useful. 983 4.84 1.21 5.0 1 6
What I learn in my English classes will be useful in the future. 979 4.18 1.43 4.0 1 6
What I learn in my English classes will help me in my future career. 978 4.02 1.46 4.0 1 6
Late Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: English Value 458 4.21 1.15 4.25 1 6
I think English is important. 458 4.38 1.44 5.00 1 6
I think English is useful. 453 4.79 1.21 5.00 1 6
What I learn in my English classes will be useful in the future. 456 3.97 1.44 4.00 1 6
What I learn in my English classes will help me in my future career. 457 3.73 1.50 4.00 1 6 System Total
Early Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: English Value 4053 4.51 1.11 4.5 1 6
I think English is important. 4022 4.61 1.35 5.0 1 6
I think English is useful. 4020 4.93 1.16 5.0 1 6
What I learn in my English classes will be useful in the future. 4007 4.31 1.37 4.0 1 6
What I learn in my English classes will help me in my future career. 3988 4.18 1.44 4.0 1 6
Late Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: English Value 1954 4.40 1.14 4.5 1 6
I think English is important. 1942 4.53 1.39 5.0 1 6
I think English is useful. 1934 4.86 1.19 5.0 1 6
What I learn in my English classes will be useful in the future. 1929 4.18 1.40 4.0 1 6
What I learn in my English classes will help me in my future career. 1930 4.04 1.47 4.0 1 6 History value Research Universities
Early Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: History Value 365 3.68 1.24 3.5 1 6
I think History is important. 363 3.89 1.52 4.0 1 6
I think History is useful. 362 4.43 1.39 5.0 1 6
What I learn in my History classes will be useful in the future. 364 3.42 1.44 3.0 1 6
What I learn in my History classes will help me in my future career. 363 3.00 1.54 3.0 1 6
Late Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: History Value 167 3.69 1.28 3.75 1 6
I think History is important. 167 4.07 1.53 4.00 1 6
I think History is useful. 167 4.36 1.45 5.00 1 6
What I learn in my History classes will be useful in the future. 163 3.26 1.53 3.00 1 6
What I learn in my History classes will help me in my future career. 164 3.02 1.57 3.00 1 6 System Total
Early Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: History Value 1419 3.86 1.27 3.75 1 6
I think History is important. 1407 4.09 1.50 4.00 1 6
I think History is useful. 1404 4.47 1.37 5.00 1 6
What I learn in my History classes will be useful in the future. 1410 3.59 1.50 3.00 1 6
What I learn in my History classes will help me in my future career. 1409 3.30 1.59 3.00 1 6
Late Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: History Value 569 3.73 1.29 3.75 1 6
I think History is important. 563 4.00 1.57 4.00 1 6
I think History is useful. 565 4.38 1.38 5.00 1 6
What I learn in my History classes will be useful in the future. 560 3.37 1.54 3.00 1 6
What I learn in my History classes will help me in my future career. 562 3.16 1.58 3.00 1 6

4.2.2 Cost Math Cost Research Universities
Early Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: Math Cost 929 2.79 1.29 2.75 1 6
I have to give up too much to do well in math. 924 2.51 1.46 2.00 1 6
I worry too much about my Math class. 926 3.22 1.67 3.00 1 6
I’m unable to put in the time needed to do well in math. 927 2.39 1.33 2.00 1 6
My math class is too stressful for me. 927 3.03 1.56 3.00 1 6
Late Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: Math Cost 462 3.16 1.35 3 1 6
I have to give up too much to do well in math. 460 2.92 1.53 3 1 6
I worry too much about my Math class. 462 3.56 1.73 4 1 6
I’m unable to put in the time needed to do well in math. 460 2.70 1.38 3 1 6
My math class is too stressful for me. 462 3.43 1.66 3 1 6 System Total
Early Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: Math Cost 3914 2.81 1.27 2.75 1 6
I have to give up too much to do well in math. 3891 2.52 1.46 2.00 1 6
I worry too much about my Math class. 3903 3.26 1.67 3.00 1 6
I’m unable to put in the time needed to do well in math. 3904 2.43 1.36 2.00 1 6
My math class is too stressful for me. 3900 3.03 1.57 3.00 1 6
Late Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: Math Cost 1905 3.05 1.36 3 1 6
I have to give up too much to do well in math. 1896 2.78 1.52 3 1 6
I worry too much about my Math class. 1898 3.42 1.72 3 1 6
I’m unable to put in the time needed to do well in math. 1899 2.67 1.42 2 1 6
My math class is too stressful for me. 1897 3.32 1.66 3 1 6 Science Cost Research Universities
Early Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: Science Cost 371 2.66 1.17 2.5 1 6
I have to give up too much to do well in Science. 368 2.27 1.30 2.0 1 6
I worry too much about my Science class. 369 3.19 1.64 3.0 1 6
I’m unable to put in the time needed to do well in Science. 369 2.22 1.20 2.0 1 6
My Science class is too stressful for me. 369 2.95 1.47 3.0 1 6
Late Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: Science Cost 143 3.13 1.30 3.0 1 6
I have to give up too much to do well in Science. 142 2.80 1.53 3.0 1 6
I worry too much about my Science class. 142 3.62 1.64 3.5 1 6
I’m unable to put in the time needed to do well in Science. 142 2.67 1.42 2.0 1 6
My Science class is too stressful for me. 140 3.39 1.58 3.0 1 6 System Total
Early Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: Science Cost 1306 2.60 1.22 2.5 1 6
I have to give up too much to do well in Science. 1297 2.31 1.37 2.0 1 6
I worry too much about my Science class. 1303 3.04 1.59 3.0 1 6
I’m unable to put in the time needed to do well in Science. 1300 2.25 1.32 2.0 1 6
My Science class is too stressful for me. 1302 2.78 1.46 3.0 1 6
Late Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: Science Cost 514 3.02 1.33 3 1 6
I have to give up too much to do well in Science. 510 2.74 1.52 2 1 6
I worry too much about my Science class. 510 3.49 1.65 3 1 6
I’m unable to put in the time needed to do well in Science. 512 2.62 1.45 2 1 6
My Science class is too stressful for me. 509 3.23 1.56 3 1 6 English Cost Research Universities
Early Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: English Cost 985 2.46 1.14 2.25 1 6
I have to give up too much to do well in English. 981 2.18 1.30 2.00 1 6
I worry too much about my English class 982 2.72 1.52 2.00 1 6
I’m unable to put in the time needed to do well in English. 981 2.34 1.31 2.00 1 6
My English class is too stressful for me. 981 2.58 1.38 2.00 1 6
Late Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: English Cost 457 2.62 1.20 2.5 1 6
I have to give up too much to do well in English. 455 2.35 1.39 2.0 1 6
I worry too much about my English class 456 2.83 1.52 3.0 1 6
I’m unable to put in the time needed to do well in English. 453 2.62 1.41 2.0 1 6
My English class is too stressful for me. 456 2.67 1.44 2.0 1 6 System Total
Early Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: English Cost 4034 2.48 1.16 2.25 1 6
I have to give up too much to do well in English. 4017 2.22 1.34 2.00 1 6
I worry too much about my English class 4012 2.75 1.53 3.00 1 6
I’m unable to put in the time needed to do well in English. 4017 2.37 1.36 2.00 1 6
My English class is too stressful for me. 4009 2.58 1.39 2.00 1 6
Late Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: English Cost 1950 2.58 1.26 2.5 1 6
I have to give up too much to do well in English. 1936 2.34 1.42 2.0 1 6
I worry too much about my English class 1933 2.80 1.58 3.0 1 6
I’m unable to put in the time needed to do well in English. 1937 2.53 1.44 2.0 1 6
My English class is too stressful for me. 1935 2.65 1.47 2.0 1 6 History Cost Research Universities
Early Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: History Cost 364 2.29 1.06 2 1 6
I have to give up too much to do well in History. 362 2.06 1.15 2 1 6
I worry too much about my History class. 364 2.49 1.47 2 1 6
I’m unable to put in the time needed to do well in History. 362 2.22 1.17 2 1 6
My History class is too stressful for me. 363 2.40 1.32 2 1 6
Late Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: History Cost 166 2.71 1.29 2.5 1 6
I have to give up too much to do well in History. 165 2.41 1.37 2.0 1 6
I worry too much about my History class. 165 2.92 1.68 3.0 1 6
I’m unable to put in the time needed to do well in History. 165 2.69 1.47 2.0 1 6
My History class is too stressful for me. 165 2.82 1.60 3.0 1 6 System Total
Early Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: History Cost 1415 2.38 1.13 2.25 1 6
I have to give up too much to do well in History. 1409 2.17 1.29 2.00 1 6
I worry too much about my History class. 1412 2.54 1.50 2.00 1 6
I’m unable to put in the time needed to do well in History. 1408 2.37 1.34 2.00 1 6
My History class is too stressful for me. 1413 2.46 1.37 2.00 1 6
Late Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: History Cost 568 2.72 1.28 2.5 1 6
I have to give up too much to do well in History. 563 2.47 1.42 2.0 1 6
I worry too much about my History class. 565 2.86 1.63 3.0 1 6
I’m unable to put in the time needed to do well in History. 565 2.73 1.44 2.0 1 6
My History class is too stressful for me. 565 2.82 1.55 3.0 1 6

4.2.3 Expectations for Graduation Time To Degree Research Universities
How long do you think it will take you to earn your degree? Number of Responses
2 years or less 11
Between 2 and 3 years 54
Between 3 and 4 years 662
Between 4 and 5 years 566
Between 5 and 6 years 69
Between 6 and 7 years 25
Between 7 and 8 years 30
More than 8 years 11 System Total
How long do you think it will take you to earn your degree? Number of Responses
2 years or less 156
Between 2 and 3 years 660
Between 3 and 4 years 2763
Between 4 and 5 years 1775
Between 5 and 6 years 207
Between 6 and 7 years 87
Between 7 and 8 years 106
More than 8 years 38 Salary Expectations Research Universities
How much do you think you will earn annually when you graduate? Number of Responses Percent of Responses
Unsure 133 9.3%
$15,000 or less 16 1.1%
Between $15,001 to $25,000 59 4.1%
Between $25,001 to $35,000 75 5.3%
Between $35,001 to $50,000 223 15.7%
Between $50,001 to $75,000 412 29.0%
Between $75,001 to $100,000 357 25.1%
Between $100,001 to $150,000 121 8.5%
More than $150,000 27 1.9%
Total 1423 100.0% System Total
How much do you think you will earn annually when you graduate? Number of Responses Percent of Responses
Unsure 657 11.4%
$15,000 or less 114 2.0%
Between $15,001 to $25,000 346 6.0%
Between $25,001 to $35,000 438 7.6%
Between $35,001 to $50,000 934 16.2%
Between $50,001 to $75,000 1470 25.5%
Between $75,001 to $100,000 1270 22.0%
Between $100,001 to $150,000 416 7.2%
More than $150,000 124 2.1%
Total 5769 100.0% Salary Expectations Today Research Universities
How much do you think you will earn annually right now? Number of Responses Percent of Responses
Unsure 132 9.3%
$15,000 or less 338 23.8%
Between $15,001 to $25,000 266 18.7%
Between $25,001 to $35,000 238 16.7%
Between $35,001 to $50,000 191 13.4%
Between $50,001 to $75,000 129 9.1%
Between $75,001 to $100,000 94 6.6%
Between $100,001 to $150,000 29 2.0%
More than $150,000 5 0.4%
Total 1422 100.0% System Total
How much do you think you will earn annually right now? Number of Responses Percent of Responses
Unsure 612 10.6%
$15,000 or less 1373 23.8%
Between $15,001 to $25,000 1124 19.5%
Between $25,001 to $35,000 909 15.8%
Between $35,001 to $50,000 753 13.0%
Between $50,001 to $75,000 525 9.1%
Between $75,001 to $100,000 317 5.5%
Between $100,001 to $150,000 122 2.1%
More than $150,000 36 0.6%
Total 5771 100.0%

4.2.4 Salary Expectations at Graduation compared with Current Expectations

The 2021 Survey asked for the first time what a student believed they could earn right now in the marketplace. Comparing their current and future salary expectations provides a window into students’ perceptions of the added economic value of a college degree, which, combined with expectations for time to graduation, can provide a window in to the relative discounting students may be doing on their investment of time in their college careers.

Comparing student who are from a minoritzed background to majority students, the pattern is similar, although the shapes of the distributions are slightly different.

4.3 Belonging

Students feel they Belong in the learning context when they are connected to peers, feel that they are known and cared for by faculty and mentors, fit in academically and socially, and are free from doubts and worries about belonging. Belonging can serve as a support for student success, and the degree to which students find a home in the institution can be a powerful predictor of retention and academic outcomes. Students can experience different levels of belonging in an academic context - they may feel an overall sense of belong at the institution, but may not have that sense in a particular course or in their major or their belonging my shift over time.

4.3.1 Research Universities

Early Fall count mean sd median min max
A. Composite: College Belonging 1403 4.47 1.15 4.5 1 6
A1. I belong at this college/university. 1401 4.22 1.29 4.0 1 6
A2. I feel like this college/university is a good fit for me. 1395 4.73 1.21 5.0 1 6
B. Composite: College Identity 1402 4.12 1.22 4.0 1 6
B1. Being a student at this college/university is an important part of my identity. 1399 3.89 1.44 4.0 1 6
B2. I am very proud to be a student at this college/university. 1400 4.36 1.28 4.0 1 6
C. Composite: College Involvement 1403 4.16 1.33 4.5 1 6
C1. I feel more academically prepared than other students at this college/university. 1395 3.59 1.33 4.0 1 6
C2. I am very involved in groups and/or activities at this college/university. 1396 4.07 1.42 4.0 1 6
C3. I am not very involved on campus; I’m just here to take classes. (Reverse Coded) 1400 4.23 1.56 5.0 1 6
D. Composite: Belonging Uncertainty 1399 3.12 1.42 3.0 1 6
D1. When something bad happens, I feel that maybe I don’t belong at college. 1395 2.89 1.54 3.0 1 6
D2. Sometimes I feel that I belong at college, and sometimes I feel that I don’t belong at college. 1396 3.36 1.65 3.0 1 6
D3. I don’t know if I really belong in my major. 1391 2.39 1.48 2.0 1 6
Late Fall count mean sd median min max
A. Composite: College Belonging 650 4.20 1.23 4.0 1 6
A1. I belong at this college/university. 650 4.02 1.36 4.0 1 6
A2. I feel like this college/university is a good fit for me. 648 4.39 1.31 5.0 1 6
B. Composite: College Identity 651 3.96 1.26 4.0 1 6
B1. Being a student at this college/university is an important part of my identity. 650 3.77 1.45 4.0 1 6
B2. I am very proud to be a student at this college/university. 648 4.14 1.32 4.0 1 6
C. Composite: College Involvement 649 3.79 1.32 3.5 1 6
C1. I feel more academically prepared than other students at this college/university. 647 3.70 1.37 4.0 1 6
C2. I am very involved in groups and/or activities at this college/university. 648 3.77 1.47 4.0 1 6
C3. I am not very involved on campus; I’m just here to take classes. (Reverse Coded) 647 3.81 1.57 4.0 1 6
D. Composite: Belonging Uncertainty 648 3.45 1.47 3.5 1 6
D1. When something bad happens, I feel that maybe I don’t belong at college. 646 3.21 1.59 3.0 1 6
D2. Sometimes I feel that I belong at college, and sometimes I feel that I don’t belong at college. 647 3.69 1.68 4.0 1 6
D3. I don’t know if I really belong in my major. 646 2.57 1.49 2.0 1 6

4.3.2 System Total

Early Fall count mean sd median min max
A. Composite: College Belonging 5669 4.54 1.16 4.5 1 6
A1. I belong at this college/university. 5659 4.31 1.29 4.0 1 6
A2. I feel like this college/university is a good fit for me. 5650 4.76 1.21 5.0 1 6
B. Composite: College Identity 5668 4.29 1.21 4.5 1 6
B1. Being a student at this college/university is an important part of my identity. 5656 4.06 1.43 4.0 1 6
B2. I am very proud to be a student at this college/university. 5658 4.52 1.26 5.0 1 6
C. Composite: College Involvement 5666 4.12 1.32 4.0 1 6
C1. I feel more academically prepared than other students at this college/university. 5646 3.58 1.31 4.0 1 6
C2. I am very involved in groups and/or activities at this college/university. 5643 4.12 1.43 4.0 1 6
C3. I am not very involved on campus; I’m just here to take classes. (Reverse Coded) 5647 4.11 1.58 4.0 1 6
D. Composite: Belonging Uncertainty 5657 3.11 1.41 3.0 1 6
D1. When something bad happens, I feel that maybe I don’t belong at college. 5633 2.87 1.51 3.0 1 6
D2. Sometimes I feel that I belong at college, and sometimes I feel that I don’t belong at college. 5644 3.36 1.66 3.0 1 6
D3. I don’t know if I really belong in my major. 5626 2.40 1.48 2.0 1 6
Late Fall count mean sd median min max
A. Composite: College Belonging 2632 4.28 1.28 4.5 1 6
A1. I belong at this college/university. 2629 4.10 1.38 4.0 1 6
A2. I feel like this college/university is a good fit for me. 2620 4.45 1.35 5.0 1 6
B. Composite: College Identity 2634 4.12 1.29 4.0 1 6
B1. Being a student at this college/university is an important part of my identity. 2633 3.93 1.48 4.0 1 6
B2. I am very proud to be a student at this college/university. 2623 4.31 1.33 4.0 1 6
C. Composite: College Involvement 2631 3.83 1.35 4.0 1 6
C1. I feel more academically prepared than other students at this college/university. 2620 3.64 1.36 4.0 1 6
C2. I am very involved in groups and/or activities at this college/university. 2622 3.88 1.49 4.0 1 6
C3. I am not very involved on campus; I’m just here to take classes. (Reverse Coded) 2626 3.79 1.63 4.0 1 6
D. Composite: Belonging Uncertainty 2626 3.42 1.45 3.5 1 6
D1. When something bad happens, I feel that maybe I don’t belong at college. 2621 3.18 1.58 3.0 1 6
D2. Sometimes I feel that I belong at college, and sometimes I feel that I don’t belong at college. 2619 3.65 1.66 4.0 1 6
D3. I don’t know if I really belong in my major. 2617 2.62 1.55 2.0 1 6

4.4 Persistence (Grit)

Persistence, popularized by Dr. Angela Duckworth’s research around Grit provides a window into how students may behave in the face of challenge and setbacks. Persistence is often very contextual - students may be very committed to push through difficulties in some areas but not in others - and translateable - students can carry the lessons they know about persisting in one area into those where they are struggling.

4.4.1 Research Universities

Early Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: Persistence (Grit) 1443 4.79 0.93 5 1 6
I am a hard worker. 1442 4.89 1.00 5 1 6
I finish whatever I begin. 1420 4.69 1.11 5 1 6
Late Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: Persistence (Grit) 671 4.68 1.01 5 1.5 6
I am a hard worker. 670 4.74 1.09 5 1.0 6
I finish whatever I begin. 650 4.62 1.15 5 1.0 6

4.4.2 System Total

Early Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: Persistence (Grit) 5867 4.80 0.94 5 1 6
I am a hard worker. 5862 4.91 1.01 5 1 6
I finish whatever I begin. 5773 4.70 1.10 5 1 6
Late Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: Persistence (Grit) 2723 4.76 0.98 5 1 6
I am a hard worker. 2719 4.82 1.08 5 1 6
I finish whatever I begin. 2660 4.70 1.12 5 1 6

4.5 Motivation

The Mindset Survey asks students about their reasons for attending college and for choosing a major to get a better sense of their motivation for attending college, and for selecting their academic path. Reasons for Attending College are themselves divided into three categories: Independent motives related to the individual’s interests/goals Interdependent motives related to supporting others and the somewhat overlapping Helping motives, which removes some of the community values for individual ones. Additionally, the survey investigates students perceptions of family support.

4.5.1 Reasons for Attending College Independent Motives Research Universities
Motive count mean std. dev. median min max
Composite: Independent Motives 1454 5.01 0.82 5 1 6
Develop my independent thinking. 1449 5.16 1.04 5 1 6
Expand my understanding of the world. 1447 4.86 1.15 5 1 6
Explore new interests. 1450 4.68 1.17 5 1 6
Learn more about my interests. 1444 5.36 0.93 6 1 6 System Total
Motive count mean std. dev. median min max
Composite: Independent Motives 5903 5.06 0.82 5.25 1 6
Develop my independent thinking. 5885 5.20 1.03 6.00 1 6
Expand my understanding of the world. 5880 4.95 1.12 5.00 1 6
Explore new interests. 5887 4.73 1.15 5.00 1 6
Learn more about my interests. 5873 5.34 0.95 6.00 1 6 Interdependent Motives Research Universities
Motive count mean std. dev. median min max
Composite: Interdependent Motives 1451 4.61 1.08 4.75 1 6
Give back to my community. 1447 4.19 1.40 4.00 1 6
Help my family out after I’m done with college. 1449 4.58 1.43 5.00 1 6
Provide a better life for my own children. 1443 5.08 1.48 6.00 1 6
Serve as a role model for people in my community. 1436 4.59 1.43 5.00 1 6 System Total
Motive count mean std. dev. median min max
Composite: Interdependent Motives 5901 4.68 1.07 4.75 1 6
Give back to my community. 5885 4.32 1.37 4.00 1 6
Help my family out after I’m done with college. 5890 4.70 1.41 5.00 1 6
Provide a better life for my own children. 5879 5.09 1.46 6.00 1 6
Serve as a role model for people in my community. 5860 4.62 1.42 5.00 1 6 Helping Motives Research Universities
Motive count mean std. dev. median min max
Composite: Helping Motives 1451 4.62 1.09 4.67 1 6
Give back to my community. 1447 4.19 1.40 4.00 1 6
Help my family out after I’m done with college. 1449 4.58 1.43 5.00 1 6
Provide a better life for my own children. 1443 5.08 1.48 6.00 1 6 System Total
Motive count mean std. dev. median min max
Composite: Helping Motives 5901 4.70 1.09 5 1 6
Give back to my community. 5885 4.32 1.37 4 1 6
Help my family out after I’m done with college. 5890 4.70 1.41 5 1 6
Provide a better life for my own children. 5879 5.09 1.46 6 1 6

4.5.2 Reasons for Selecting a Major

Early and Late Fall responses are combined for the summary below. Research Universities

Reason Count of Responses
I had to pick something.
I have a mentor or role model who works/studied in this field.
I have not selected a major yet.
I identify with this area.
I know someone else who majored in this area.
I think I will be good at it.
I think it will be easy.
It will help me get the job I want.
My high school/college advisor suggested it.
My interests lie in this area.
My parents recommended it.
The salary potential is attractive to me.
This major will be useful to me in the future. System Total

Reason Count of Responses
I had to pick something.
I have a mentor or role model who works/studied in this field.
I have not selected a major yet.
I identify with this area.
I know someone else who majored in this area.
I think I will be good at it.
I think it will be easy.
It will help me get the job I want.
My high school/college advisor suggested it.
My interests lie in this area.
My parents recommended it.
The salary potential is attractive to me.
This major will be useful to me in the future.

4.5.3 Family Support Research Universities

Motive count mean std. dev. median min max
Composite: Family Support 1400 5.57 0.82 6 1 6
My family doesn’t understand why I want to go to college. (Reverse Coded) 1395 5.56 1.04 6 1 6
My family questions whether a college education is valuable. (Reverse Coded) 1396 5.61 1.01 6 1 6
My family strongly supports me in my desire to go to college. 1394 5.56 0.94 6 1 6 System Total

Motive count mean std. dev. median min max
Composite: Family Support 5659 5.47 0.90 6 1 6
My family doesn’t understand why I want to go to college. (Reverse Coded) 5642 5.44 1.17 6 1 6
My family questions whether a college education is valuable. (Reverse Coded) 5641 5.46 1.17 6 1 6
My family strongly supports me in my desire to go to college. 5641 5.52 0.95 6 1 6

4.6 Perception of Faculty Mindset

4.6.1 Research Universities

Early Fall count mean sd median min max
Late Fall count mean sd median min max

4.6.2 System Total

Early Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: Perception of Facutly 1247 7.50 0.89 7.5 4.25 9
The Instructors at my school seem to believe that some students are smart, while others are not. (Reverse Coded) 1237 8.94 1.22 9.0 5.00 10
The Instructors at my school seem to believe that students who are less smart will always be less smart than the other students in the class. (Reverse Coded) 1240 7.49 1.55 8.0 5.00 10
The instructors at my school seem to believe that every student can learn new things and significantly grow their intelligence. 1234 4.90 1.14 5.0 1.00 6
The instructors at my school seem to believe that every student can learn new things and significantly grow their intelligence. (Reverse Coded) 1238 8.64 1.31 9.0 5.00 10
The instructors at my school seem to believe that students can learn new things, but they can’t really change their basic intelligence (Reverse Coded) 1244 8.45 1.38 9.0 5.00 10
The instructors at my school seem to believe that students either “have it” or they don’t. (Reverse Coded) 1237 8.60 1.38 9.0 5.00 10
The instructors at my school seem to believe that students have a certain amount of intelligence, and they really can’t do much to change it. (Reverse Coded) 1245 8.68 1.35 9.0 5.00 10
Late Fall count mean sd median min max
Composite: Perception of Facutly 1247 7.50 0.89 7.5 4.25 9
The Instructors at my school seem to believe that some students are smart, while others are not. (Reverse Coded) 1237 8.94 1.22 9.0 5.00 10
The Instructors at my school seem to believe that students who are less smart will always be less smart than the other students in the class. (Reverse Coded) 1240 7.49 1.55 8.0 5.00 10
The instructors at my school seem to believe that every student can learn new things and significantly grow their intelligence. 1234 4.90 1.14 5.0 1.00 6
The instructors at my school seem to believe that every student can learn new things and significantly grow their intelligence. (Reverse Coded) 1238 8.64 1.31 9.0 5.00 10
The instructors at my school seem to believe that students can learn new things, but they can’t really change their basic intelligence (Reverse Coded) 1244 8.45 1.38 9.0 5.00 10
The instructors at my school seem to believe that students either “have it” or they don’t. (Reverse Coded) 1237 8.60 1.38 9.0 5.00 10
The instructors at my school seem to believe that students have a certain amount of intelligence, and they really can’t do much to change it. (Reverse Coded) 1245 8.68 1.35 9.0 5.00 10

5 Visualizing Academic Mindset

The charts below provide some visual presentations of Academic Mindset composites, primarily focused on the diffferences between early Fall (t1) and late Fall (t2) administrations. These comparisons capture all student reposes in these surveys, so are not entirely overlapping populations (this analysis is possible, but for most institutions, the number of students who complete both surveys is relatively small).

In general, we expect measures of Academic Mindset to decline over the course of a semester, which is witnessed here. Within the data there are interesting areas to explore around students perceptions relative to the four covered subject areas as well as student gender and ethnicity.

5.1 Mindset Growth Mindset Composite graphs T1 vs. T2

5.1.1 Research Universities

5.1.2 System Total

5.1.3 Comparisons by Minority Status and Gender (System Level) Race and Ethnicity Gender

5.2 Purpose and Value Composite Graphs T1 vs. T2

5.2.1 Research Universities

5.2.2 System Total

5.2.3 Comparisons by Minority Status and Gender (System Level) Race and Ethnicity Gender

5.3 Belonging Composite graphs T1 vs. T2

Belonging items included in the survey include two related contstructs to measure the extent to which students feel they belong at their institution (College Belonging) and the extent to which being a student at the institution is a part of their identity.

5.3.1 Research Universities

5.3.2 System Total

5.3.3 Comparisons by Minority Status and Gender (System Level) Race and Ethnicity Gender

5.4 Academic Preparedness Composite graphs T1 vs. T2

5.4.1 Research Universities

5.4.2 System Total

5.4.3 Comparisons by Minority Status and Gender (System Level) Race and Ethnicity Gender

5.5 Perception of Faculty Composite Graphs T1 vs. T2

5.5.1 Research Universities

5.5.2 System Total

5.5.3 Comparisons by Minority Status and Gender (System Level) Race and Ethnicity Gender